Thursday, December 22, 2016


I am a little frustrated at myself for feeling annoyed, but just argh.

I don't usually do Christmas gifts, but I know a few of my friends do. So made sure to get them something. And they gave me something. And it was a regift. Opened and mildly used. And seriously? I am vaguely offended. I almost would rather have gotten nothing. I thought about what they might like. And they gave me something they used and didn't like. 

This is why I hate gift exchanges sometimes. Because I have too high hopes. Or maybe too high expectations. Was it too high of an expectation? I just wanted something to say that they thought of me specifically. Maybe that's too much to hope for. This is why I don't expect anything for birthdays. Or holidays. 

Isnt it better to expect nothing and be happily surprised by something, no matter what it is. Rather than be disappointed? 

Can I apply that to everything? Expect nothing from my friendships, and then I won't be disappointed. Expect nothing from people. Do things because it would make me happy, not because I want anything in return. Initiate because I want to. Not because I expect them to return the favor. 

Is that too cynical? It's practical. And keeps me from getting hurt. Or annoyed. Or offended. Or angry. 

In the end, everybody has different priorities. I need to drop my expectations. Do everything for the joy of doing without expecting anything in return. That's what I need to do.


I learned something about myself today. That is a good thing.


I actually have to take a few steps back and realize that I am actually really bad at gifts. It's part of that "emotional labor". [aside: this is an interesting read if you're curious. You'll have to skip through a bit of cringey uber-feminism thoughts, but there are some pertinent ones as well. here]. I shouldn't get frustrated if I am the same way. I will try to be better at these things too.


Addendum 2.0
After talking to a friend, I think that I have to revise a lot of this. It is not so much the regift as the perceived lack of thought behind the gift. I don't mind regifts. I don't mind, as long as it's thoughtful. Of course I have to realize that it is all my perception. It may not actually even be true. In the end, it can all be boiled down to this semi: I thought a lot about their gift, and I perceived and believed that they did not think a lot about mine. And I was disappointed.

But I have realized in my last few years that perception is always flawed. And I always try to give people the benefit of doubt. And if there are two options of how I can perceive their thought, then take the better of the two.

Basically.... just gotta get over myself about this stuff lol.

Almost Christmas

1. Christmas
For some weird reason, it really, really does not feel like it's almost Christmas - despite the semi-advent things that I've been doing with friends. I've even wrapped a gift or two. And it still doesn't "feel" like it. I wonder what I'm missing? Or maybe it's because I'm still in San Antonio. And that makes more of a difference because I'm not with family.

2. For Remembrance
One of my favorite nights with the girls in my small group. Hot drinks, lovely, bright twinkly lights on the trees, a night of walking and talking, looking at the stars, good conversation. Minus demon cat biting me :(
Another close favorite was the ridiculous six pots of tea night just because.
Friends are God blessed.
Let me never take them for granted.

3. Presents
I seriously wish my family had more traditions. The main reason is because it's too much of a bother. These days I'm starting to realize that almost everything that is worth something requires effort. Finding presents for people. Visiting someone who is sick. Leaving the comfortable bed to hang out with people. Planning a trip. Hobbies and skills. All of it is time and effort and dedication. And I want to be more diligent about it all.

Of course there are the days where I can't even leave my bed because of laziness.... but it's an ongoing process, okay? ha

4. Late nights
Caught up with an old friend. I was struck by how he was the same, but not the same. Is that weird? I wish I knew how much I've changed since college.
.... and if it was for the better.

The quote that I love: may the space between where I am and where I want to be inspire me. 

5. Love
Everybody wants to be loved.

Friday, December 9, 2016


... is it weird that I don't like volunteering?

I objectively think that it's a good thing and I ought to do it. So I mind over matter things and volunteer. And then think to myself how much I am doing because I ought to. Not because I really want to. But surely that's not how it should be?

I know some people who genuinely like volunteering. And I think they're good people.
Maybe it's that I find interacting with strangers a chore. Sometimes a worthwhile and good thing, but ultimately still energy.


I've been having a really hard time finding motivation lately. I just don't want to do anything. If I could lay in bed all day without getting a headache, I probably would.



I don't know what I'm looking for these days. Kinda feel like I'm wandering around aimlessly.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Grocery Shopping

Eat fresh food.
Eat frozen food.
Eat emergency pantry food.
Realize there is no food left.
Manage to put off grocery shopping for another few days by eating out and eating extra emergency food.
Go grocery shopping.
Buy fresh food, frozen food, pantry food.
Am hungry after shopping.
Eat snacks and frozen food because too lazy to make fresh food.
.... such is life.