Friday, May 16, 2014

on distance

on distance and friendship:
Friendship is a two way street. I already knew that. But i remember an old conversation with H- where she was talking about distance between her groups of friends and how she knew that some of them wanted to be closer - but she just didn't have the time for so many.
Regardless. If one person wants to be better friends, and the other person doesn't - isn't it the least common denominator that wins? Because who sinks their time and friendship into one that cannot reciprocate?
So when you find a friend that is willing to respond as willingly as you are to their friendship, that is crazy ridiculous, crazy amazing. Because if the least common denominator wins out, then it is more likely that friendships often will not grow deep and strong.

Equal investment.

Unless one person is especially generous with their time and their emotions. Which is also quite rare.

But surely there becomes a time when friendship stops being a fair-exchange based relationship and there is more flexibility. hm... or maybe not. But just the leeway for forgiveness if larger.

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