when i was a kid -i dunno, maybe eight or nine years old- there was a period of time where I would be excited every time it rained. Because it meant that I would be able to go out and run around in the rain in the backyard. Maybe my memory is figment of my imagination all wrapped in rose-colored haze, but I feel like I really do remember those moments. Randomly running in circles, getting grass and mud all the way up the back of my calves, hair drenched until water is running down in rivulets, and of course me just giddy and out of breath from running so much.
of course, this was when texas was in drought season and there was no rain for over 90 days or something crazy like that. so instead of running in the rain, i'd go outside whenever the sprinkles went off. jumping over the little black sprinklers, half trying to avoid the water, but not really - because that's all the fun anyway. and of course going back inside, wet and laughing and covered in grass and dirt to my mom shaking her head and pushing me towards the shower.
it doesn't matter. sitting in the library right now, next to the window - i literally just watched a storm start. from a few pitter patter sounds, to a startling boom of thunder, and then a torrential flood of rain. in the span of a few minutes, i watched the sky turn from sun-drenched yellow with a haze of clouds into the gray-blue of overcast clouds with a belly full of rain.
have you ever had that feeling? where you look at something and you think, oh yeah, i used to do something silly and fun. now i just kind of sigh and think about getting wet walking back to my car.
i want to go run in the rain.
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