Thursday, March 24, 2016


i believe in duty. i believe in responsibility.

that if my friends for some reason became a nonfunctioning alcoholic, i would tell them. because even if they hate me, that is the duty of a friend.

and vice versa, of course.
if i ever, for who knows that reason, ended up drinking a beer every morning before work or something crazy.
i would hope that my friends would sit me down and shove that fact in my face.

maybe a bit more diplomatically, but still.

to say, i strongly do not condone that. and i will be here to help if at any point you want to stop too. i can't change your life for you. but here some reasons that i am concerned for you. hear me out. and if you don't want to do anything, that is your right. but i have the right as your friend to bring it up periodically without you getting mad. and you have the right to tell me you're not doing anything about it every time i bring it up, and i won't get offended.

and i think a person who would not say the hard things to their friends is not really a friend at all. because that means you don't actually care. and the only thing worth in that friendship is sharing "good moments".


i think this carries over for religious things as well.


A duty to CARE.

This is where I firmly believe that Christianity has the right of it all: that we have a duty to one another. To care for each other.
The pessimistic me thinks that without that duty, I would not care about anybody at all.
And sometimes I think that nobody in the world cares about anyone but themselves - and potentially their nuclear family.

I think I know what is going on. I am actually offended. Wow. I don't get offended that easily, but I think a sliver of my current emotion is "offended". Because I hold this belief that if we are friends, you would want to know me. And if not, then we are not friends. And then I mentally downgrade whoever as an acquaintance. As if, you don't want to know me? Fine, I don't need to know you either. The least common denominator.

And that's.... that?


Do I expect too much in waiting for people to ask about who I am?
am i supposed to lay it out bare to everyone without prompting? is that what most people do????

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