Wednesday, October 4, 2017

There are none (what is the right path?)

They told me to follow my heart,
to live my dreams and go for the gold.
And I listened with wide eyes and
waited for my life to unfold.

They never told me that the road
I was so easily walking would
split into a thousand paths
and leave me uncertain as I stood.

They told me to find love,
to chase after success, and lead.
And I wonder now if anyone
in the world could succeed.

I chose this path to go on.
But sometimes it seems
the left turn there will be
the right path to my dreams.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Walk through life

I try to walk through life lightly.
Each step a tip toe to the next pass,
hesitating to disturb the road
or trample down the grass.

But sometimes I see the ones
who walk here and there
and leave footprints inches deep.
Boldly, without care.

And it makes me wonder
if I should tread a little firmer,
to leave more of a mark
and more than just a murmur.