Tuesday, July 14, 2020

time of year

it's getting to that time of year where i have to start wondering about my future again.

where am i going to go
what am i going to do

but if i really look back on the past (omg) 7 years, i could never have predicted i would end up here.

it's all in God's hands.

and yet i worry. anxiously wondering what the future holds.

Sunday, July 5, 2020


Do you believe faith and belief is a choice? Or is it something that is?

Is it like love, where some say it is a choice to go through with the actions of love even though you may not feel the neurons firing and the “feeling” of love?

Is attraction a choice? I don’t think so. Attraction and sexuality are things that simply are.
Someone that says I just don’t find so and so attractive has every right to say that.
But can you say I just don’t believe and that’s how it is. Or I just don’t love them, and that’s how it is.