Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Random Bits

Random bits of reflection and commentary from inner-karen thoughts.

1. Doctors and healthcare workers and whatever can do a lot of good, but oh my gosh, the sheer amount of money that businessmen/women can utilize for good is crazy. Got to talk to the CEO of Valero who started up a center for the homeless in SA. It cost 100 million dollars. 100 million. My mind boggles. To get that kind of money, he talks to politicians, lobbies for it, hosts golf tournaments for his partners to fundraise, etc. My mind still boggles. On two levels. First, that I am slowly understanding that this is the world I am stepping into. Y'know, the adult real world where connections matter and you have to use all of your connections to get somewhere and do something. Second, that it is the initiative of people with money to do massive amounts of good. Oh, not hating on little good too, but it would be almost impossible for Dr U to have started up the SRFC without someone like Bill Greehy. And he's Christian. Hearing him talk about faith as his motivation for giving back to the community and for investing millions into helping people is just wow.

2. Made a yogurt honey bread spontaneously. Needed to get rid of yogurt and didn't feel like waiting to make it. I thought it took barely 20 minutes but I forgot to change the microwave clock for daylight savings. So.... it was longer. boo. The batter tasted okay but I modified the recipe a bit.... so hopefully it's okay....
*edit: it's out of the oven. Hmmm.... this is one confused bread. It's a bread, but I think it has a secret desire to be a cake.... the insides are fluffy and nice and the outsides nice and brown and crunchy. But.... it's just on this side of too sweet for bread. 

3. The stupid stuff is important too. This. This so much. I am such a snob sometimes, turning my nose up at bits of information or scoffing at things I think are obvious or unhelpful. But -consider me humbled- that is so untrue. Doing clinical skills and talking about obvious things like empathy and going through a list actually helps in a real setting. It gives you a foundation to start on, so you don't lose focus and start questioning yourself if you've missed anything or whatever. It's practice makes perfect. Practicing on SP actually matter a lot. Learning the stupid stuff like the difference between an acinus and the lobule.... is also important. No matter how much I gripe about it.

4. In the end.... I still love Ecclesiastes the most because it reflects the emptiness and loneliness of life without a true center. All of it can be meaningless.

5. Everybody has their skeletons, everyone has secret to bury. But sometimes we bring them up to light to those we trust.

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