Thursday, August 22, 2013


Christian Medical & Dental Association.

Went to their Bible study on... er? Tuesday. Ah yes, my days are blurring together.

Went through Hebrews.
As HCC had that Sunday school on it, I didn't really learn anything "new". But it was good, really good. Solid stuff there.

I liked the community, but in the end, it was a Bible study - not a fellowship.

But people stuck around and talked afterwards. But there was no time designated for personal interaction and questions of how is your spiritual life? how are you? no really, how are you? 

Maybe my expectations are skewed from CCF, but I'm still hoping to find something vaguely similar.

But it was good. I will probably go again next week.

Still on the search, God leading.


Sleep is a luxury I can always afford. Except I always choose not to. I am like a peasant scrabbling for the scraps. Subsisting on snatches of twenty-winks and guilty moments where I can't stand being awake anymore. It's crazy that I've already gotten to this point only one month in. I haven't yet succumbed to coffee.... but it's tempting. Very tempting.


Riddle me this:
Do you love what you do?


  1. hm. did you change the last sentence in this post? o.O

    <3 you karen. trusting the Lord to bring you to a fellowship group where you can grow roots afresh, deep and strong.

    1. ha... yeah. I decided it might not be appropriate contextually.
      Might be too passive-aggressive, and I'm not really one to do a blog about an issue instead of talking to the person.
