Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I've recently been falling in love with authors from different countries. Antonia Michaelis (German) who wrote The Storyteller, one my favorite books ever becuase of beautiful language. Andrzej Sapkowski (Polish) who wrote The Last Wish and doesn't have the rest of his series translated bah. Italo Calvino (Italian) who is just freaking amazing and I wish I could write like that. Luigi Pirandello (also Italian) who wrote the play Six Characters in Search of an Author. 

I've been meaning to read some Murakami, but ugh it seems very stream of consiciousness in the one or two pages I've read. Probably over summer. 

I wish I knew a thousand languages so I could read their works in their own language. To see if the words are just as striking, or even more. 
It also makes me wonder how many fantastic books and authors I am missing out on just because I cannot find an English translation or because I don't even know about the author. 
Surely if you're Italian, you would know current Italian authors. Or if you were Brazilian, you'd know current Brazilian authors that are worth reading. 

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