Wednesday, May 18, 2016

minor human condition contemplation

The idea that what you see as important is not valued by other people.

Everyone has different priorities. And when you make a point and say, look at this, shouldn't you care about it? And they look and listen and then shrug. Or even worse, comment and say, that? It's such a minor issue. Why are you so emotional about it?

It's the ultimate invalidation.

Oh, so you're offended by that?

And ooh doesn't that raise a person's hackles to hear all of that strong emotion and arguments and exceedingly vital points be boiled down to just a mere "offended"?! 

So looking at things logically and boiling things down to just the major points can be invalidating. How funny, that we care so much to not offend people these days. If it is true... then it is true.

Except it doesn't always work that way. There is always an emotional component. But can the other person realize that their priorities is not always a major factor in other people's lives. Would that be a personal offence? Or a very abstract, logical disagreement? 

How funny. That people can be such different creatures, despite some very consistent truths. 
Once upon a time, I thought that everyone just wanted to be known, to be loved. 
And I think that is still true. But now, I am thinking more about how someone wants to be known, how they would want to be loved.


I remember someone saying stuff about hypothetical situations and thinking, seriously? you would waste brain space on that?
I'm sure someone thinks these musings above are similarly useless. Ha, how fun.

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