Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Family med

I take it back. I hate it. I really freaking hate it.

I hate how the attendings don't listen and just talk over the patient. Or talk AT the patient and then the patient just nods. I hate how I can see that the patient won't "be compliant with medications and orders" because they can't afford it. I hate how useless I feel. I can empathize and listen all I want. But what good does it do if they're not going to get actual medication. They're not seeing us for a psych consult. 

I hate the pace of this place. It's not patient focused at all. 

I hate America's health care. How can someone not afford to get diagnosed with diabetes because it costs too much? Why is it that we just watch someone get neuropathy and retinopathy because insulin costs so much? Or just try to make do with $4 HEB drugs because that's the only why we know for sure that the patient can afford it? 

Why do we have to spend over 1/4 of the visit talking about how to afford the medication and if it is cheaper to pay the bill before or after? 

Why does it suck so much?


This is the first time where I thought: Please don't let me be like that in 10 years. 

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