Monday, April 18, 2016


a mishmash of thoughts.

1. interlacing
- it is always extraordinary to me to realize that we step in and out of each other's lives so easily. i will probably never see my attending again. i spent a good four weeks with him. learned about his likes and dislikes, his dogs and his family, his motivations and his opinions on medicine, his half thoughts on politics. i feel like i know this person by now. and then i left his office after i thanked him for a good four weeks, and
that's it.

isn't it just so weird how easy it is to walk out of people's lives if you don't put any effort into it?

2. alcohol
- i definitely know what kind of drunk i am now. and also my warning signs before anything happens.

3. over noodles
- why does rice take so much longer to cook than noodles? i made a typical homestyle dish with eggs&tomatoes, a side of slightly pickled cucumbers, sliced chicken - supposed to go over rice. but i was too hungry to wait. sooo... over noodles.

4. contacts
- in love with my new contacts. i am no longer as blind as i was once.

5. burnout
- i think i really have hit the point of burnout. i feel like i'm steadily beatdown by studying and work and i really want a full week of doing nothing. but.... there's no time.
it never ends.
and yet, i take breaks - but it is never enough to fully recover. what is wrong with me.

6. jasmine
- flowers on the bedstand. it is olfactory heaven.

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