Sunday, April 24, 2016

s/p IM test

This has been the best weekend I've had in a long time. It was filled with the perfect amount of people and action and fun and self-relaxing-time. Not a real post, just a sort of documentation post for myself.

Finished the test and then made gumbo (which turned out fantastic). I am getting pretty good at making the roux. Finished the gumbo at J's house, adding the okra and shrimp. And then played a bit of Clue and Taboo with the asian crew. It was pretty fun, talked a bit of the IM test with Alice. Drank sips of some odd novelty Buddha beer, an amaretto with lime and coke, pretended to play Clue with Janet but totally gave up and just randomly guessed because we didn't care enough. Taboo was fun; I'm too competitive and I don't relax enough with games lol, but whatever. I wish I stayed longer, but no biggie.

And then sorta transitioned to the potluck with the IM folks at Paul's place. This is the few times that I have been the only girl in a group gathering. I'm hardly the girl that hangs with only boys by myself. I have more girlfriends than guys. It was just interesting I suppose. Half were married but didn't bring their wives. And I guess paul isn't that good friends with any other girls?? I'm not really sure. And Namjong didn't join us. But whatever. They were chill. It was too much medicine and not enough people. Honestly. If I was there or not, would it have made a difference? I think the mark of a comfortable gathering for me is if I know people. Still I guess it was interesting. It was all talk of medicine and poop jokes and stuff. There were quite a few moments where I was like.. wow, this is such a guy conversation. I wonder if it would've been different if I weren't there. Lots of urology innuendos and such.

 The twins are so rowdy and big! They picked a tomato for me to eat. Ate bulgolgi, pasta, salad, ate tons of delicious chocolate chip cookies. I liked it a lot. I got bit by a million mosquitoes though lol. Maybe I have diabetes, my blood is too sweet. It really didn't help that I wore tshirt/shorts and all the guys had long pants sigh.

Their house was so interesting. It was like another world. Flies were super annoying and everywhere. But they had such a vibrant backyard, kids playing, tomatoes growing, a neighborhood, the sun and bright blue sky in the back. All of it, it just seemed like such a domestic place compared to my apartment. But I like my apartment and my roommates and the quietness and my own room. I just wanted to comment on the difference between stages of life, I guess.

The Saturday: Woke up mildly early at 8:30 without an alarm because my body is a little silly and likes routines. It was a lovely waking up though, where awareness slowly creeps in and the sensation of lying in bed becomes reality and then you are awake, but it's okay if you don't open your eyes quite yet. Just lie there for a while, listen to the birds chirping outside, luxuriate in the sensation of stretching limbs in bed, and then when you feel like you've been lying for long enough, then that's when you open your eyes. So I woke up and ate breakfast. Kind of a meandering wake up and mosey on over to the kitchen feel. Yawning as I open the fridge, delighted that I went shopping yesterday and have fruit galore. That I have the choice of breakfast and can take my sweet time because I don't have anywhere to be. Sunbeams from the patio window, a quiet Saturday morning. I decide on Cheerios and strawberries. The strawberries are so sweet and my tea is soothing and I just spend time reading a book.

And then Fiesta. Went with the roommates, slathered on sunscreen, checked out a music festival that didn't have anything yet, so we walked to market square, tobin center, locks and dams, gorgeous jasmine and hibiscus flowers. turkey leg, sitting on the county steps, the river walk, such green and blooming flowers! especially with the yellow sunglasses, music festival, art museum with copper lines, running down the river walk with my phone and ID in hand and flipflops, funnel cake with chocolate/strawberries funnel cake.

I had a great time, I really did. It was all gorgeous blue sky, the smell of festival with fried foods, giant bowls of margaritas, sausage on a stick, snow cones, kettle corn, meat, the live music with the deep bass, the hot sun on my face and hair, the sunglasses sitting on my head, the sweat on my neck, the fair atmosphere, friends that laugh and joke, the crush of a festival crowd etc etc. It was lovely. It was everything I would hope for a day out.

Then we swam for a bit, which I absolutely adored because I haven't swam since so long. A brilliant sun and the cool water, slick on my skin.  A hard cider in a gatorade bottle. floating on my back, treading water, laughing with kiera, lying on the lounge chair with phil as the sun bakes my skin and the music plays. it's all sunshine and a spring that is on the verge of summer and relaxing and fun.

Then an absolutely gorgeous shower that cleans off sweat and sunscreen and chlorine, puzzles and nibbles. Shrimp, bacon wrapped scallops, and guac with chips. I read most of my Red Rising. Watched a bit of an action movie, music, crosswords, friends, and just general stay inside relaxation,

Sometimes I love life. I really do.

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